Feel the fear and do it anyway Feb 12, 2023

I think back to a few years ago when I was still exploring lots of options outside of medicine and how at times it felt really difficult or overwhelming to consider changing careers. I had a gut feeling that I needed to keep digging, to keep trying different things, that something was eventually...

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A counter-intuitive way to start the new year in 2023 Jan 01, 2023

Happy New Year!!! Welcome to 2023!


I find that in the new year I always have all these expectations that I suddenly place on myself - that I am going to achieve all my new years' resolutions, that the year is going to go fantastically well, and that all will work out...

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5 Valuable lessons to learn from Lionel Messi Dec 18, 2022

5 Valuable Life Lessons to Learn From Lionel Messi

Football is not a subject I am an expert at, by a long stretch. However, I do really enjoy watching the World Cup and I particularly love how it brings people together and creates a sense of community. I love being able to walk into a pub and...

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My serendipitous meet up with Ali Abdaal - a former doctor-turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur Sep 18, 2022

Today I’d like to share the impact that 5 seconds of courage can have on one’s life, and how having an inspiring person can really impact the direction of your life.


The totally random encounter

I am still processing the serendipitous and totally random encounter I had last...

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Introduction to Values Sep 06, 2022

Have you even wondered what your highest values are and why they are important? 

Well, you are about to find out!

The aim is to share some useful tips on how knowing your own values can help you understand your decisions, and why sometimes we don’t make progress on the things we...

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