Dr Marcela Aguirre


Confidence & Major Life Transitions Coach


Helping amazing people in their 30s to 60s navigate big life transitions, high-stakes decisions & transformations, whilst building confidence & empowerment to build a life of their own design, personally & professionally

Dr Marcela Aguirre 

Confidence & Major Life Transitions Coach

Helping amazing people in their 30s to 60s navigate big life transitions, high-stakes decisions & transformations, whilst building confidence & empowerment to build a life of their own design, personally & professionally

One to One 90 Day Coaching Programme

As a experienced Confidence & Major Life Transitions Coach, my focus is on helping amazing individuals overcome the hurdles of self-doubt, fear, and procrastination. I specialise in working with people who, despite their intelligence and ambition, find themselves yearning for more fulfilment in their work and life, better work-life balance and most importantly unshakeable self-belief create the life they truly desire.


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Group Coaching Programme

A small, friendly and supportive group coaching programme to work on our goals, overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs, and create the life that we desire. The sessions are facilitated by Coach & Doctor Marcela, who will be able to answer questions and help us all make progress

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I'm Marcela

I am a Confidence & Major Life Transitions Coach, who has also worked as a Medical Doctor for over 15 years.

I work with amazing individuals who have big goals & aspirations, who have the potential to live fantastic lives, but repeatedly find themselves stuck, unable to shake off limiting beliefs, & feel limited by their mindset challenges. 

Whatever your goals are in life, the key to unlocking your full potential is in your mind & your emotions. This is where you hold your values, your perception of yourself & the world, & all of your beliefs about what you can & cannot be, do or have.

By working directly within the root of what determines our happiness, success & fulfilment (our minds), we can create the right conditions, beliefs & empowerment, to unlock our potential so we can succeed with our goals & design our dream lives. 

If you are a person who deep down knows you have tremendous potential, and you know you have so much to give, but you feel stuck, unmotivated, or you sabotage your efforts to succeed, you may be struggling with your mindset and mental fitness. 

It Is Never Too Late!

It doesn't matter where you are starting from, what matters is that you take inspired & consistent action towards where you want to go. It is never too late to design & live the life you have always dreamed of!

If you are here because you feel unfulfilled, stuck, suffering with imposter syndrome or self doubt, or you suffer with mental health challenges, you are in the right place. It is never too late to change direction & make positive changes. We have more options now than ever before. Sometimes all we need is to know that IT IS POSSIBLE, & to be inspired and empowered to take action. 


Blog Articles & Resources

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Feb 12, 2023

A counter-intuitive way to start the new year in 2023

Jan 01, 2023

5 Valuable lessons to learn from Lionel Messi

Dec 18, 2022